
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lebron James’ 2010 Free Agency

Redeem Team Take 2
Lebron James has come out and said that he would prefer a championship ring over a maximum contract. If that’s true, then it is time to put his money where his mouth is. Sign a minimum contract with a team and let them sign higher priced players to play around him. 3 of the 4 stars of the 2003 Draft and the 3 headliners of the 2010 draft class, James, Dwyane Wade, and Chis Bosh, have 1 ring combined. Lebron has made it to the finals once, where he got swept by the Spurs in 2007, Wade won in 2006 but hasn’t come close since, and Bosh has been to the playoffs twice, never making it past the first round. In order for one of them to have the best chance of winning some jewelry, 
they ALL need to sign for less than the maximum and team up. Although Wade and Bosh should both want a ring more than money, considering they both have plenty of money, Lebron is the only one who has stated it. The thing about his statement is, he has no intention of signing for less than the maximum nor does he seem to truly believe what he said and someone should call him out on it. The problem is that everyone is too scared to say it to his face, but this is the best I can do: Lebron, if you care more about a championship than money, then PROVE IT. In saying this, I want to make myself clear, in my opinion, every player’s goal should be a championship, infinitely more than money, but I am singling out Lebron because he is the only one who said it.
Less Money, More of Everything Else
So why not sign for a minimum and have a much greater chance to win a championship? Not only will it probably give him a championship, but he will make MORE money through endorsements from winning. Additionally, a ring (or multiple) will be a giant step towards solidifying him as one of the best players ever, and he will always be looked at as the guy who gave money up for the greater good. In a world where it is viewed that more money is more power, Lebron will be going against the stream. He will be a greater role model for kids, setting an example that winning is more important than money, something that every coach hopes is engrained in their players. I know it may be difficult for some people to process the fact that someone was actually unselfish and gave up money, but for the smart people out there, it should be a no brainer.
Help Wanted
The problem is, Lebron won’t do what he should. Why? Because he is a liar! But why would Lebron say something like that if he didn’t believe it???? It’s because the NBA’s “poster child” wants to remain it. He tells everyone he wants a championship more than money, and they believe it and it makes him look like a better person, but when the time comes, he goes against his statement but nobody wants to call him out on it because they don’t want to process the fact that the “King” can’t land a ring by himself. He needs to get some “king’s gold,” but doesn’t want to admit that he needs the  help of another high profile player to get it.

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